Pog Storage
There are a few different ways to store your Pogs/Tazos/Flippos etc. These include using Pogtainers, Collectors' Pages, and Pog Trays. If you know of any other methods for storing Pogs or have any suggestions, please email info@milkcapmania.co.uk.
You can use Pogtainers, which are cylinders with a removable cap on one end. The World Pog Federation and various other manufacturers made their own branded Pog containers, as well as a few generic ones being available:

You can also make a Pog container like this yourself using a toilet roll (make sure it is large enough to fit your Pogs inside easily so you don't have any trouble getting them back out), and then tape some cardboard or paper over the bottom. Unlike the commerically produced Pog containers though, you won't be able to use a tight fitting cap to seal your home-made Pog container, so they're best suited for Pog storage when placed somewhere they won't get knocked or tipped over.

The problem with using Pogtainers to store your Pogs is that when you want to get your Pogs out, you have to tip the Pogtainer upside down, and risk the Pogs falling out or getting mixed up (annoying if you keep your Pogs in order). The good thing about storing your Pogs in Pogtainers is that they can store quite a lot of Pogs and don't take up much space.
Collectors Wallets or Storage sleeves
Collectors wallets are plastic sheets/sleeves with spaces in where you can insert your Pogs to display them. They are very similar to the slide pages you can get for photo albums. Actually, the slide pages you can buy for storing slides are also quite good for storing Pogs, so give them a go if you can't get hold of any Pog/milkcap specific storage pages in your area. Slide storage pages are also advisable for storing Kinis/Slammers in, as the Pog storage sleeves are too thin to fit Kinis/Slammers in.

The only company I know of that actually produced Pog Collectors pages was Ultra Pro. Though I have a few Brand specific Pog/Milkcap albums that came with Pog storage pages not branded with Ultra Pro, I don't remember there being additional sets of pog storage pages available to purchase from the Manufacturers. You can see the Manufacturer Specific Pog collectors storage folders below:

The disadvantage of using Pog Collectors Wallets or Storage sleeves for storing your Pogs is that they take up quite a lot of room compared to a Pogtainer. If you live in the UK (like me) you will also have a problem getting the folders to put the Pog storage pages in - the Pog storage sleeves are designed for US 3 ring binders, not the UK sized 2 or 4 ring binders. I had to get some US sized binders specially made for me by a Ring Binder Manufacturer, and since I wasn't ordering hundreds, it was quite expensive. If you're in the US you won't have this problem of course.

A good reason for using Pog Storage sleeves though, is that it is very easy to look at your Pogs, and you can easily see what ones you have missing. If you buy a set of mixed Pogs second hand, you can easily see which ones you've got and which you haven't, rather than having to sort through a pile of Pogs, like you'd have to if you stored your Pogs in Pogtainers.

Cardboard Pog trays
These are similar to a cubic rather than cylindrical Pogtainer, sliced down the middle, and then laid on it's side:

The disadvantage of using cardboard Pog trays to store your Pogs/Tazos/Flippos is that your pog tray must be approximately the same length as the stack of Pogs/milkcaps you want to store in it, otherwise your Pogs will fall flat and can get mixed up:

Another problem is that they must be stored somewhere flat, so you can't carry them around with you. The advantage of using this method to store your Pogs is that it's quite easy to flip through your Pogs (a lot quicker than using a Pogtainer, but not as fast as using Pog storage pages). They don't take up much storage space either.
How I store my Pogs
I store my collection of Pogs in Ultra Pro Collectors pages, which I keep in ring binders. At the moment, where I have a collection that contains a few sets, I give that collection its own dedicated folder (or in the case of larger collections like WPF Pogs, dedicated folders). I arrange the folders alphabetically and the sets in each folder alphabetically as well. Then if I get some new Pogs/Tazos/Flippos and want to check if they are new or swaps, I can easily find the set in my existing collection to check.

For swaps, where I have loads of swaps of one series, I store each number of that series in a Pogtainer (I only have a couple of sets where I have enough swaps to warrant doing this). For sets where I have lots of swaps of one series, I store the Pogs in Pog trays. And for series where I have only a few swaps, I store them in small home-made Pogtainers.
I store my swaps in boxes, like my main collection I try and arrange the series by Collections in alphabetical order.