Smash Caps > Alien Checklists

Number in series: 6 Tags: Aliens, Checklists, Panini, Smash Caps
Info:These are the checklist cards for the Alien Smash Caps made by Panini. One checklist card was enclosed in each packet of Alien Smash Caps, with 6 different ones to collect in total.

On one side of the card it has the series checklist (the same on all 6 cards). Then on the other side it has a description of one of the planets that the aliens depicted on the caps come from.

The six planets are:
IKO-27, Wolomol, Yuzz, Argol-2, Non-K, and Zurst.

Thanks to Silke for the scans of these check lists.
Last edited by: Administrator


Sorry, we don't currently have any data on which countries this set was available to.

Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Checklist. Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Planet-Argol-2. Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Planet-Iko-27. Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Planet-Non-K. Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Planet-Wolomol. Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Planet-Yuzz. Smash Caps > Alien Checklists Planet-Zurst.