Vierdaagse Nijmegen

Number in series: 5 Tags: Four Day Marches, Nijmegen, VGZ Zorgverzekeraar, Vierdaagse
Info:These pogs would have been produced to celebrate the Vierdaagse four day walking event in Nijmegen, Netherlands. They feature landmarks from the town and a bunch of Gladiolus flowers, which are a symbol of the event.

On the back it has the logo for VGZ Zorgverzekeraar, which seems to be a health insurance company.

Thanks to Vincent for the scans of the full set.
Last edited by: Administrator


Country:NetherlandsYear of release:Produced by:
Vierdaagse Nijmegen Back. Vierdaagse Nijmegen Bridge. Vierdaagse Nijmegen Building-with-flags. Vierdaagse Nijmegen Building. Vierdaagse Nijmegen Bunch-of-gladiolus. Vierdaagse Nijmegen Zevenheuvelenweg.