World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice

Number in series: Tags: Avimage, Biker Mice from Mars, Cartoon, TF1, TV, World Pog Federation, WPF
Info:These pogs all feature images from the Biker Mice From Mars children's cartoon series. On the back of the pogs it has the logo of the French TV channel TF1. Likely the pogs were a tie-in with the TV channel to promote that were showing the Biker Mice From Mars cartoon.

Thanks to the Génération-POG community for these images.
Last edited by: Administrator


Sorry, we don't currently have any data on which countries this set was available to.

World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice 01. World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice 02. World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice 03. World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice 04. World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice 05. World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice 06. World POG Federation (WPF) > Avimage > TF1 Bikermice Back.