World POG Federation (WPF) > Nestlé Kängus
Number in series: 10
Tags: Cereal, Kangaroo, Kängus, Nestle, World Pog Federation, WPF
Info:These WPF milkcaps were given away with packs of Kängus sold by Nestlé in Germany. There were 4 pogs included with each box, and 10 to collect in total.
Judging by the text on the back of the pogs, it looks like they were printed by the company ADPAC in the USA for Cereal Partners Worldwide (with an address in France), and distributed with the cereal in Germany.
Thanks to Silke for most of the scans of the pogs below, and to Klaas for scans of #5 and #10, making up the full set.
Here is a video advertising the cereal with the free pogs:
Last edited by: Administrator
Judging by the text on the back of the pogs, it looks like they were printed by the company ADPAC in the USA for Cereal Partners Worldwide (with an address in France), and distributed with the cereal in Germany.
Thanks to Silke for most of the scans of the pogs below, and to Klaas for scans of #5 and #10, making up the full set.
Here is a video advertising the cereal with the free pogs:
Country:GermanyYear of release:1996Produced by:ADPAC